2024-2025 St. Pius V School Annual Fund
Caring * Growing * Grateful
Hello St. Pius V Community and Friends!
In 2025, St. Pius V School is celebrating its 80th year of shaping minds, creating community and growing the Catholic Faith. In 1945, the Sisters of St. Joseph welcomed two classes of students inside the old Sanborne Lynn public school building. Over the next eighty years, the school improved facilities and modernized to meet the changing needs of its students. Hundreds of faculty delivered top academic lessons and compassionate development that impacted thousands of students.
Now the baton is in our hands! Will you help?
As we look forward, we hope you’ll consider a gift of any size today to help us continue to increase educational opportunities, improve campus facilities, and keep classroom instruction at the leading edge. Your donation is tax-deductible: St. Pius V School Tax ID #453 340 187.
Together we will continue to make St. Pius V School the beacon of exemplary Catholic education for the next generation.